Blood Test Pathology Labs & Diagnostic Centers Near you South Delhi

 Blood Test Lab

A BLOOD TEST IS A LABORATORY analysis of substances found in your blood. Blood tests may be performed to assess how well you're managing a condition like diabetes or high cholesterol. They may also be used for routine check-ups or when you are sick.

Blood tests are extremely common. Healthcare providers direct them to:

·         Learn how well your organs, such as your kidneys, liver, heart, and thyroid, are working.

 ·         Aid in the diagnosis of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and HIV/AIDS.

 ·         Check to see if your medication is helping you feel better.

 ·         Determine the cause of bleeding or clotting disorders.

 ·         Determine whether your immune system is having difficulty fighting infections.

 ·         Determine the type of anaemia, such as iron deficiency anaemia, pernicious anaemia, aplastic anaemia, or haemolytic anaemia.

 ·         Keep track of chronic health conditions and diseases.

 ·         Locate Health Issues in their early stages.


You have the right to understand why a blood test was ordered. If you're not sure why your doctor wants you to have the test, talk to him or her.

 Types of Blood Tests

 These are some examples of common blood tests:

 ·         A CBC is an abbreviation for a complete blood count.

 ·         Analyses of blood chemistry

 ·         Enzyme tests in the blood

 ·         Blood tests to assess the risk of heart disease

 Blood tests can provide a wealth of information to your doctor. He or she can check to see if certain elements in your blood are within normal limits. However, in many cases, blood tests are only one component of the information required by your healthcare provider to make a diagnosis of a health condition. Other types of tests might be required as well.

 Getting Ready for A Blood Test

 You do not need to prepare for the majority of blood tests. These tests will determine the composition of your blood under normal conditions.

 Some blood tests require you to not eat (fast) for a certain amount of time prior to the blood test. This usually entails refraining from eating or drinking anything after midnight the night before the test. These exams are frequently scheduled for the early hours of the morning.

 If you need to fast before a blood test, your doctor will tell you.

 Dr Jolly Diagnostics Centre in South Delhi for The Best Accurate Diagnosis. Dr Jolly Diagnostics and Best Pathology Labs Greater Kailash New Delhi


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