TMT Test Cost - TMT Medical Test for Heart - Dr Jolly Labs

 Treadmill test (TMT)

A treadmill test is a sophisticated preventive screening for heart disease. A TMT evaluates how well your heart responds when it is working the hardest. We have cutting-edge equipment and expert lab personnel at Dr Jolly Diagnostic to conduct a treadmill test efficiently.


What is a TMT?

A Treadmill Test (TMT) or cardiac stress test determines how far your heart can go before an abnormal rhythm develops or blood flow to the heart muscle is reduced. It informs your doctor about how your heart responds when pushed. You will be asked to walk on a treadmill, with the difficulty level increasing gradually. Your ECG, heart rate, and blood pressure are continuously monitored to assess your heart health.

How is a TMT carried out?

You will first be linked up to an ECG machine (hyperlink to ECG). Before you begin exercising, the technician will take your blood pressure and perform an ECG to measure your heart rate while you are at rest. Then you'll start exercising by walking on a treadmill. The level of difficulty or rate of activity will gradually increase. The lab staff will ask you how you are feeling at regular intervals. Inform them if you are experiencing chest or arm pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, light-headedness, or any other unusual symptoms. During the treadmill stress test, it is normal for your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and perspiration to rise. The lab staff will also be constantly monitoring your ECG for any indication that the test should be stopped. Following the test, you will walk for a few minutes to cool down. The lab personnel will continue to monitor your ECG, blood pressure, and heart rate until the levels return to normal.

Dr Jolly Diagnostic is a Best Diagnostics Centre In Delhi and Pathology lab in gk, Treadmill test (TMT), (ECG) in Greater Kailash Delhi. Phone call. +91-9810483021 | 01145693972


E-343 C, Ground Floor,

Greater Kailash Part- 1, Near Gurudwara,

New Delhi, Delhi 110048, Indi


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